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My Story

I fell in love with the ceramic process at art college at the age of 17. I had imagined I would be a painter but the thrill of three dimensions and the sensuality of the material changed that course forever.

After experimenting with many forms of art over 25 years I always arrived back at clay. Living on a boat taught me the value and strength of community. Participating in art collectives taught me the value of sharing and nurturing people. Working at Brighton university expanded my capacity for encouraging and enabling students’ ideas.

I’ve tried at times to segment my art practice and ‘day job’ but the truth is my whole life has brought me to this unique mixture: potting, teaching and expressing myself through art. The result being a very simple but rich way of living, inspired by art, food, people and nature.

I do my creating, working and teaching from The Ceramics Studio. The Ceramics Studio has been an evolving concept, born in Surrey Docks Farm in London in 2009 and later expanding into a communal area for artists in a warehouse in Bermondsey. The Ceramics Studio is now based in a sky-lit loft in Warwickshire where I run pottery classes and workshops with an emphasis on enjoyment and relaxation.

Leyla Folwell and Otis the dog
Leyla Folwell painting pottery
Leyla Folwell


2014  Founder, artist and teacher at The Ceramics Studio Ettington, Warwickshire

2013  Founder, artist and teacher at The Ceramics Studio V22 Bermondsey, London

2012  Self-employed arts practitioner and teacher at Surrey Docks Farm and Art in the Park, London

2011  Technical demonstrator at Brighton University

2007  Potterycrafts Ltd. Battersea, London

2006  Artist in Residence at King’s School Worcester

2003  BA(Hons) Ceramic Design Loughborough University


‘My Day in Cups of Tea’ – Simple Things – Issue Jan 2018 – page 1

‘Leyla Folwell’ by Angie Boyer – Craft & Design – Issue 207 Jan/Feb 2010 – page 1 / page 2

‘Cutting It’ by Leyla Folwell – Ceramic Review – Issue 240 Nov/Dec 2009 – cover / page 1

Leyla Folwell in 2005 teaching pottery at Melbourne Art Festival
Leyla Folwell turning bowls
Leyla Folwell by kiln


2019  Warwickshire Open Studios – The Ceramics Studio, Ettington

2019  Potter’s Jolley – Blockley, Gloucestershire

2018  AMA 3D Show – Leamington Spa

2018 Ceramics & Print – Herbert Museum, Coventry

2018  Potter’s Jolley – Blockley, Gloucestershite

2017  Warwickshire Open Studios – The Ceramics Studio, Ettington

2016  Banbury Open  – Banbury Museum

2015  Warwickshire Open Studios – The Ceramics Studio, Ettington

2014  Christmas Exhibition – The Ceramics Studio, Ettington

2013  October Open – The Ceramics Studio, Bermondsey

2010  British Ceramics & Glass – SuperVision, Beijing

2010  Tutor’s Exhibition – Morley Gallery, London

2010  Monochrome Set – Core Gallery, London

2010  Bleeding Heart – Bluedog Gallery, Brighton

2009  Creekside Open – Cor Blimey Arts, London

2009  Jaunt – Strange Cargo, London

Leyla Folwell teaching a student at The Ceramics Studio
Leyla Folwell in Raku Goggles
Leyla Folwell at The Ceramics Studio Bermondsey
Leyla Coiled Crank Planters

SHOWS 2003-2008

Ceramics in the City  –   Earth and Fire  –   Potfest in the Park  –   Art in Clay


Ceramic Gold Craft and Design Awards 2009

Judges Commendation London Potter’s Open December 2006

Highly Commended Art in Clay 2004


Warwickshire Open Studios   –   Artists Newsletter  – DIY Educate

CPA Associate Memberships   – V&A Membership